All healthcare professionals strive to provide the safest care possible. Sometimes however, things can go wrong, and harm can be
Qlicksmart Standing with Healthcare Workers
Qlicksmart’s Response to COVID-19
As you are most likely aware, the current outbreak and impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented throughout the world. Here at Qlicksmart, we are continuously monitoring developments as they unfold. Our priority remains to ensuring the safety of our staff and all of those working in healthcare, many of whom are serving at the frontlines of this event. To achieve this, we are following government and expert advice to maintain business continuity and the supply of our safety devices to healthcare in this critical time.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Timeline
Qlicksmart Standing with Healthcare Workers
For more than 20 years, Qlicksmart has advocated to keep healthcare workers safe and focused on their patients. Now, more than ever, when safety equipment is not adequate, healthcare worker’s lives are at risk. And when healthcare workers are unable to protect themselves, patients suffer.
Investing in safety not only helps to reduce costs and reduce risk and exposure to liability, but also helps to create a more positive working environment. Here at Qlicksmart, we stand with healthcare workers as they stand up for their safety – so should you.
Investing in Healthcare Workers
Tight healthcare budgets have forced facilities and organizations to focus on cost-avoidance when relating safety in the workplace. It is often difficult to calculate the definitive value of investing in worker safety. However, there are proven benefits in investing in a long-term staff safety program, including:
- Reduction in workplace incident risk and exposure to liability
- Creates a more positive working environment
- Can become a positive internal driver of growth
- by reducing staff turnover
- by supporting better engagement
- by improving morale
All of these examples can become an integral part of company culture, bringing far-reaching benefits to the organization. The International Social Security Administration found that investing in occupational health and safety for staff brought a Return on Prevention ratio of 2.2. This means that for every 1 dollar invested in staff safety, organisations gain a return of 2.2 dollars.
Translating Healthcare Worker Safety into Practice
In this blog, we take a deeper look at translating safety into practice, using sharps safety as an example. Healthcare is a complex system, and implementing sharps safety measures requires support from all departments across the hospital or organisation. Here’s our Five Steps to Translating Safety into Practice.
Step 1 Awareness
Awareness is a key aspect of successful change management1. In healthcare, evidence-based practice is a basic requirement, so researching the problem and its solutions is necessary.
The People That Contribute To Safety in the Healthcare.
Creating a safety culture is essential for improving patient care and healthcare staff satisfaction. It allows facilities to function smoothly and keeps everyone in them – both staff and patients – out of harm’s way. Everyone in a healthcare facility has a role to play when it comes to maintaining a safety culture. Here we take a look at some of the players within a healthcare facility and what they do to help improve their safety culture.
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Scalpel Cuts in the Manufacturing Industry
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Guide On How To Safely Open Ampoules
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Staff Safety is Patient Safety
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Sharps Injuries and the COVID-19 Pandemic
What research conducted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us about sharps injuries in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the
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Pharmacists and the Risks of Ampoule Cuts
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Operating Rooms: A High Risk Environment
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Surgeons Are Saying “No” to Safety Scalpels
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Maintain Safe Practices in the Operating Room with Qlicksmart’s Scalpel Blade Removers
Sharp injuries have always been a concern in the healthcare industry. These injuries can cause deep wounds and increase the
Ampoule Cuts: A Silent Threat to Healthcare Workers
Opening glass ampoules can be unnerving and can sometimes lead to cuts. Often dismissed as minor workplace hazards, ampoule cuts
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Talking About Sharps Injuries
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a sharps injury occurred , and did you follow up by
Are Ampoule Injuries Impacting the Safety in Your HealthCare Facility?
While needlestick and scalpel injuries often take centre stage, a silent threat persists: ampoule injuries. Shockingly common, yet frequently overlooked,