According to the EORNA Best Practice for the prevention of sharps injuries, perioperative staff should make sure to reduce the risk of injuries posed by medical sharps by implementing safe sharps practices such as the use to safety-engineered devices. These measures should include: Medical devices incorporating safety engineered mechanisms Effective training for staff in their …
The Silent Threat: Why Healthcare Workers Need Qlicksmart SnapIT Ampoule Openers
In the high-pressure world of healthcare, needles and scalpels are often the first to come to mind when considering workplace hazards. Yet, a hidden danger lurks in the shadows, silently inflicting countless injuries: the humble ampoule. These fragile glass containers, holding life-saving medications, pose a significant risk of injury to healthcare workers. Ampoule injuries, primarily …
What Goes Unreported Goes Unfixed: Why Are Sharps Injuries Still Going Unreported in the OR?
The reporting of injuries, errors and near misses is important for both staff and patient safety. Think about the last time you had, or you saw or heard about an injury at work. Did you report it or check whether this injury was reported? Case Study A 44 year old pathologist suffered what he …
Pharmacists and the Risks of Ampoule Cuts
Pharmacists open ampoules in a regular basis as part of their routine work. These medications are prepared by pharmacists for various usage. Due to the nature of glass ampoules, the user is exposed to a number of risks when opening them. For this reason, it is important for pharmacists to use an ampoule opener when …
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Keeping Compliant with OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard when Using Scalpels
Sharps cuts and injuries from scalpels, suture needles, and other sharps are a significant occupational hazard for staff in hospitals and healthcare facilities, leading to long-term impacts on physical and psychological health. This is especially true for those working in Operating Rooms, which are high-pressure environments where sharps are used frequently. To combat occupational injuries, …
Sharps Injuries and the COVID-19 Pandemic
What research conducted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us about sharps injuries in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Key Points According to a 2021 European Biosafety Network study, sharps injuries surged by 23% during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Royal College of Nursing’s report found that the number of sharps …
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