En español In the last blog, we talked about investing in healthcare worker safety has proven long-term benefits, and how organisations can start investing in their worker’s safety. In this blog, we take a deeper look at translating safety into practice, using sharps safety as an example. Healthcare is a complex system, and implementing sharps …
Podiatrists and Scalpel Cuts – Understanding the Risks and How to Prevent Them
Podiatrists use scalpels every day during patient care. They are one of the most frequent users of scalpel blades in any profession. Because of this, removing scalpel blades without the right tool increases their risks of a sharps cut(1). Scalpel cuts can cause: Severed digital nerve and/or tendon Psychological distress and/or trauma Delayed procedures and …
How Sharps and Needlestick Injuries Affect Medical Students
Sharps and needlestick injuries are a serious occupational health risk for those in the healthcare industry. This is especially true for medical students who still lack the clinical experience and expertise needed to properly handle and care for sharps. In addition to medical students, students studying biology and other sciences that use scalpels are at …
Swiss Cheese – An Important Part of Injury Prevention.
No one goes to work to injure themselves or those around them. Healthcare nurses, doctors, and technicians for example, are trained to do quite the opposite. Despite their best efforts however, we must remember that injuries can still happen on accident. The healthcare industry can create risky work environments, where the possibility of injuries is …
Clinical Contamination Control
Automated (passive) scalpel blade removers (SBRs) are used by doctors, podiatrists, and healthcare workers all around the world. They provide a single-handed way of removing scalpel blades that is far safer than traditional methods like using forceps and reduce contamination. The Qlicksmart BladeFLASK, for example, is one of the world’s first single-handed scalpel blade removers. It …
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Under-reporting scalpel injuries: the risks to healthcare staff and institutions
In 2008, a survey by the Royal College of Nursing found that while 50% of nurses had sustained a sharps injury, only 10% of those injuries were reported. This means that even in dangerous situations where there are safety risks, approximately 90% of sharps injuries are not reported. A sharps injury such as a scalpel …