Scalpel blade removers are designed to protect the user and downstream staff from accidental injury when removing a scalpel blade from a reusable handle. These devices fall into two classes: two-handed scalpel blade removers and single-handed scalpel blade removers. TWO-HANDED REMOVERS PUTS THE USER AT RISK The two-handed devices are not endorsed by any …
How Being Proactive Can Prevent Sharps Injuries
Being proactive can help prevent sharps injuries before they happen. By preventing injuries, a medical establishment is likely to make staff and patients feel safer, increase moral and productivity, and save money that would have otherwise been spent in the case of an injury. Injuries from medical sharps can be expensive and pose a significant …
Dermaplaning – Why handling sharps is best done by professionals
Dermaplaning is quickly gaining popularity in the beauty industry. While it is widely accepted to be a harmless beauty treatment, the use of sterile scalpel blades sometimes raises concerns with people who are unfamiliar with the procedure or try to do it at home. What is dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a treatment that exfoliates the …
Safe Practice Protects Downstream Workers Too
Sharps injuries and needlesticks are a threat that most healthcare professionals are wary of. Safety procedures are implemented with the aim to mitigate the risks involved when working with sharps. These procedures usually succeed in doing so when followed correctly by staff that use and are in direct contact with sharps. When they aren’t followed …
Why Surgeons Prefer Traditional Scalpels over Safety Scalpels
Safety scalpels were first heavily promoted in response to a US legislation change in 2000 known as the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act. As the name might suggest, safety scalpels are active safety devices that are designed to protect their users. While the idea of safety scalpels being a functional solution might all be well …
Anxiety: The Invisible Side Effect of Sharps Injuries
The anxiety that derives from sharps injuries in the medical industry often goes unmentioned. While sharps injuries can initially be painful and distressing, there is a lot more to them than what meets the eye. Thoughts about the possible outcomes and repercussions from a sharps injury can become overwhelming and affect a person in many …