Ampoule injuries are far too common. You might be surprised to know that ampoule injuries are the most common type of sharps injury in the healthcare industry. However, ampoule injuries are not taken nearly as important as other sharps injuries such as needlestick and scalpel injuries in clinical settings, despite their ubiquitousness in the healthcare …
Staff and Patient Safety: Reflection from Being Both as a Patient and a Doctor.
The afternoon light danced across the hospital quilt warming the room and I was comfortable. My husband nodded off to sleep in the chair beside me. The last 10 days had been a whirlwind. Last Friday I was an IVF patient. On Monday I had a simple gynae procedure to reevaluate IVF strategy. On Wednesday …
Summary: Sharps Injury Regulation in the US, UK and Australia
Do you know that 5.6 million healthcare professionals are at risk of occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens annually, just in the United States alone? Bloodborne pathogens are germs that can cause long-term infections. The most common and dangerous germs you may be infected with are HIV, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus …