Why Everyone Should Embrace National HIV Testing Day
In the US, 1.1 million people have HIV – one in seven of these people don’t even know they are carrying the virus. National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) happens in less than 2 weeks, on the 27th of June. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) applies a theme every year to encourage people to take the important step and get tested for HIV. This year, the theme is #DoingItMyWy. The theme acknowledges the fact that getting a HIV test can be uncomfortable for some people. More importantly, it reminds people that there are private ways to get tested, even in the comfort of your own home!
Healthcare workers are at huge risk of contracting HIV. Statistically, 1 in 300 staff that fall victim to a sharps injury can contract HIV. This illustrates the importance not only of sharps safety, but getting tested for HIV.
Getting tested for HIV is something that the CDC encourages everyone to do, for individuals’ benefit as well as those around them. Here are the top four reasons why everyone should get tested for HIV:
Its important to know what your HIV status is – positive, negative, high risk?
40% of HIV transmissions in 2016 came from people who didn’t know.
You can get tested in a professional environment or in the comfort of your own home.
The CDC understands it can be uncomfortable to get tested for HIV, so they are focusing on making sure people are comfortable by offering a number of options to people.
Early diagnosis of HIV can save your life
Finding out about HIV contamination early means a quicker response time and earlier treatment!
You could encourage/inspire someone who is at greater risk to get tested for HIV
By getting tested for HIV, you could encourage or inspire someone close to you to get tested who might be at greater risk.
Furthermore, AIDSource provides a web page that answers all the questions one might have about getting tested for HIV. The information includes; where to get tested, how testing is done, information about HIV, and more!